Saving up the down payment for a home purchase is tough, but a down payment assistance program can make all the difference in your becoming a homeowner.

Experts have been talking about Portland’s housing market slowdown for the past year, so what’s up with this sudden increase in sales?

When you’re buying a home, few things are more important than carefully reading the seller’s disclosures for the property you’re looking at buying.

Buying a home in Portland? All homes — depending on their age — have their own set of unique concerns and quirks. Read more to learn what to watch out for.

Kick your brain into a higher holiday shopping gear with these twenty unique Portland shops and gifts you can’t find anywhere else.
Many homeowners (a whopping 51%, according to this study) have regrets about the home they bought or how they bought it. That’s a pretty high number, but there are so many things you can do prior to buying to prevent being part of that statistic.