After you’ve put so much time and effort into finding your ideal home, not to mention the money you’ve invested, don’t let it be a waste! The time is now to start thinking about preventative maintenance. Failure to keep on top of common household maintenance issues can lead to bigger, more expensive problems down the road.

Have you been thinking about remodeling your home here in Portland? Before you move forward with hiring any contractors, it’s a good idea to take a closer look at which projects will give you the best return on your investment.

Not all home improvement projects are a good use of your time and money. Here are the ones that offer the best return on your investment—crucial information if you’re thinking of doing any home renovations this year.

With the end of the year coming up, I’ve been thinking about all things related to finances. If you’re concerned that your property tax valuation is incorrect, here’s how you go about appealing your valuation.

Word on the street is that it’s a good time to be a buyer here in Portland. It’s been a while since we last heard that!

ADUs (or Accessory Dwelling Units) are trendy in Portland right now because they can give you some extra income and also really help out with our housing shortage.

Experts have been talking about Portland’s housing market slowdown for the past year, so what’s up with this sudden increase in sales?

Ready to do some energy upgrades on your Oregon home? Some will even give you some pretty sweet money back for doing them.

These 2019 home improvements will give you the best return on your investment in Portland.
Here’s what you need to know about taxes and selling your home.